Sunday, 14 August 2011

Bitcoin - Saying It With Flowers

Flower power meets the future with this new initiative to promote bitcoin. There are quite a few bitcoin giveaway sites already in existence (some you can find listed under the Bitcoin Goodies section in the panel to your right); some services offer a one-off donation to get you started, some will let you earn bitcoin by filling in online surveys, one will let you play games to win bitcoin, and others invite anyone to input their bitcoin address once every 24 hours.

Only one site, however, gives away bitcoin quite so beautifully, invoking nature as it combines with technology to randomly donate one bitcoin a day. And, unlike all of the other giveaway sites, this one actually offers a whole bitcoin, as opposed to the fractions that others offer. The mysterious flower opens its petals once a day to reveal a shiny bitcoin and stays open for just 15 minutes. The first person to see the open flower and click on the bitcoin gets the whole coin!

If you're feeling all hippy-geek, then you can check out the flower here.

Good luck - and peace, love and bitcoin!


  1. This idea is not novel, I started similar service about 3 weeks ago.

  2. @GiantDragon, if you read the post, you'd see that there was never any implication that giving away bitcoins is a novel idea.

    If you'd read the post and then looked to the side panel on the right, you'd also have seen that Daily Bitcoins is already listed under Bitcoin Goodies.

    Yours is a wonderful and much appreciated service too - just not as pretty.

